UFO Sighting Tumbled Stopped gave off a white bright light Swansea GB 10-30-17

UFO Sighting occurred over Great Brittan on Oct.30th 2017: UFO Report reads as follows: We were working on a roof in the Swansea area. I usually scan the sky's as I have an interest in aviation. Being a qualified commercial pilot. I have an application called flight radar 24 which I occasionally scroll through to identify aircraft types. But noticed and UFO very high up. Based on the application and the airliner height of approx 35,000 I would say this a little higher. I noticed it because it did not move but was bright. Partly from the reflection of the sun glare radiating from it. And I noticed a bright white light pulsed. Occasionally from one end. UFO seemed cylindrical but tapered in the middle. It started to move after a minute or so. It looked like it was tumbling. Then it stopped. Then the UFO moved slowly off to the right. The flashing white light appeared not to be consistent but random. It then stopped for a few minutes before moving away slowly into the sun. That's where I lost it. It was very high. I attempted to film it with my Smart phone but due to its distance from me, keeping the phone steady when filming was very hard. I did film it for a while but the results were a little disappointing. I also took a picture. I became very excited at seeing this as it was very unusual.A colleague thought thought it could be the space lab? But I ascertained that that would follow a gravitational orbit.Its movements did not suggest anything related to that.I lost sight when it moved further South into the higher cirrus cloud and direct sunlight. It also bares a striking similarity to a video posted on the Swansea UFO network a couple of weeks before.Although it appeared to be moving all the time.It was not.It was difficult to hold the phone still due to the distance. mufon cms# 877184


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